The annual Cosmopolitan Bachelors bash is one of the most awaited event of the year for both its avid followers as well as participating actors and models. If you were not included in the list of its honorary hunky members ... it is as though "you don't belong". The feeling of being exluded range from pathological gloom to the bluest of all blue ... depression. Of course there is always that nagging question hanging in the horizon, "Am I not good enough .... " or " what really should I do to make the cut ...?"
Possessing a beautiful face is not enough for sure. Nor having a body sculpted in the gym. Does a model need the right connections? Or do they have to bribe their way to make it to the bash?
Nobody knows the answer.
Of course if you don't make this years supreme list, we still have next year to hope for. If that fails, we need to pray hard ... perhaps kneel and "walk on our knees" at Quiapo church. And if you feel you are nearing the end of the rope, and that much needed boost to your modelling career looked too slick and eel-like and it continues to elude and evade you like you have "balat sa puwit" ... one surefire formula to make it to the bash is to go there unannounced, and from out of the blue make that proverbial dramatic entrance. Be prepared to be booed though or escorted by police ... but if you are lucky ... maybe they will just allow you to finish your "nakaw sa eksena" repertoire. You maybe even be featured at TV Patrol ... and who knows ... this maybe is the start of you ... hitting the goldmine.
P. S. (Please help us identify the models that were left blank. Thanks!)
Photo Credits: Vince Lopez- http://vincelopez.multiply.com/
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