If you haven't seen the photos of Lee Kholafai before, you didn't know what your missing. And there's a reason why Man Central has featured him several times already. Aside from the fact that he is holding an impeccable resume as a model and that his looks and his body built are in a top form, his participation in any pictorial leaves an indellible impact, fans and believers wants to see and is wanting for more.
And did we say that he is unbelievably gorgeous? I know Man Central should cut back on all these high-profile come-backs, but this model is absurdly sexy that we won't be able to resist ourselves.
We know that we have sang alleluja to his name before and that there are times we are heading in the direction of a "boy who cried wolf territory", but the photos above are some of the best that we have seen in a while. Can you blame us?
Photo Credits: All Photos are copyright o its rightful owners.
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