The whole month of September, Man Central joined Cosmopolitan Magazine in celebrating a month long indulgence on "who's hot and who's not" and who's in and who's out in the father of all bachelors bash .... the Cosmopolitan Bachelor's Bash 2010. Indeed it was a very successful night, if the audience attendance and the noise and the rackass it has created is the gauge.
Everybody believed it raked in a lot of moolah and it lured a lot of fans who gave me a splitting eardrum type of stress. The models and the actors were in high spirits and from the looks of it ... they themselves have enjoyed the show ... for where can you find a venue that almost feeds the ego? And the audience ... let the pictures speak for itself ... happy images of men and women who craned their neck just to get the glimpse of male models and movie stars who upstage one another with their old and tired seducing tactics (but basing with the loud shrieks and incessant name calling) I guess it still work to their advantage.
Indeed, it was a night to beat ... and this early we look forward to witness Cosmopolitan Bachelors Bash 2011. (please help us identify the unnamed models. write the names and photo number in the comment section)
Photo Credits:
-OPMB Worldwide
-Jory Rivera
-Paul Cortes
-Bruce Casanova
-All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.
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