A lot were saddened with the demise of Masculados who had revolutionized their songs and have them retained in public consciousness for awhile, and you will be amazed how people can relate to their songs. In fact I know of some friends who can sing their songs and know the lyrics by heart ... just like our national anthem. And what more ... they can gyrate to the beat of the songs ... just like the boygroup they love.
I guess even members of the boygroup had their shelf lives too ... no matter how popular they are. Some members graduated (a la Menudo?) in their first two years ... and before you say ... " Wait ..." the Damocles sword fell and the group nailed to its final coffin. And as the first group jump to the abyss of oblivion we shed a tear or two with their departure. But one good thing about losing someone in showbiz ... another group comes along. Hence the birth of Masculado Dos.
One member that stood out with their introduction is Nico Cordoba, new to the business but nevertheless makes everybody's head turn. Tall and lanky, people remember him more because of his looks rather than his voice. That's all right I guess ... I guess it is still a plus! For me I'd rather be remembered in the looks department and miss the talent part ... than missing both. So keep it up Nico. I have your Christmas album La Bella Pascua ... I bought it when I have my vacation last December. And Mascu Repak .... It still retain its Masculados trademark ... and hallmark! And I am beginning to love it!
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